Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Many Adoption Holds

Today started out seemingly like any other day, but it sure didn't end that way.

It was time to get the another e-news out, Tawnee writes all of our e-news. Jason wanted to help Tawnee's parents do some fire hazard reduction around their place, so Jason took the 4 kids to visit Gramma and Grandpa and let Tawnee do all the work herself in peace and quiet. Tawnee got lots done, got 4 horses in adoption pending status, talked on the phone and worked diligently on the E-news, which was sent out quite successfully.

Shortly after the e-news was sent, about 6:00 pm, Tawnee got a call from her mother with the words no parent ever wants to hear: "Justin is missing, he disappeared, we cannot find him anywhere." Tawnee's parents live out in the country, with thick underbrush and forest everywhere around their property, with mountain lions with cubs and a big bear that has been breaking into chicken coops. How could a little 2 year old ever fend for himself? Jason and Tawnee only have 1 vehicle, and Jason had taken it, so Tawnee called Claire who dropped everything to come over, pick up Tawnee, and go help look for Justin! Deb and her husband, who is a search and rescue officer, headed over to help look too, along with friends and relatives from all over the area. It's the most terrible feeling to have your baby lost in the woods! About 20 people had showed up and were looking diligently, hoping to find him before nightime and almost freezing weather took over, and the Sheriff was almost there, when 1.2 miles from his Grandparents place Justin was found by some random strangers who had no idea who he was. He was by the gate that goes back to their place, near a creek, and so the kind strangers drove him up and down the populated road looking for people who should have been looking for the kid. When they spotted the Sheriff on his way they flagged him down and Justin was safe in his daddy's arms about 10 minutes before mom got there to help look. Justin, please, stay closer!
It took Justin less than 1 hour to wander over a mile from Gramma's house! There were people driving up and down the road looking for him too, so he must have gone cross country, which is impossible to travel through basically. Steep ravines, black berry vines, multiple creeks, he really is our little miracle tonight. Thankfully Justin is safe and sound without a scratch!
Needless to say we didn't get back to the ranch until after 10:00, and after reporting the stolen car dumped about half a mile from the rescue, we're more than ready to shut our brains off and get some sleep! And the quad ran out of gas while Jason was feeding tonight.

1 comment:

Kitten said...

I know what a scary feeling that is. I had one of mine go under a fence and head up to check the mailbox at one year of age. A neighbor I didn't know walked her away from our place looking for her folks. Was just calling for help when another neighbor saw them up the street.
Your heart rate will go down in a day or two.
