Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We have some adoption updates this blog. Montana is doing great and is looking more and more beautiful every day. He was one that came to us from Cowtown horse auction. What a beautiful boy.

Smokey's mommy emailed us a picture today and a little update: "What a wonderful boy, he has settled in just like part of the family. I wormed him and introduced him to the smaller 4-legged kids. He's got a great personality and enjoys being handled, very nice ground manners too."
The euthanasia clinic is tomorrow (3-11-09) and we have only raised $915. There is still some matching funds left. It is looking kind of grim for this clinic and we will probably have to do low cost euthanasia clinics in the future instead of free euthanasia clinics.

This morning Rambo stuck his nose in the camera and asked us to put him on the blog. Ok, you're the boss, on the blog you go.

Tawnee didn't see any volunteers in sight so she hopped right on cleaning the stalls this morning. We sure do appreciate all the wonderful shavings.

Kathleen from Ride magazine came out to do an interview today. We have a special place in our hearts for Ride magazine as they were the first major media attention NorCal Equine Rescue was ever given. Many years ago she and a co-worker came out to our original location near Taylorsville to do an interview and take pictures. They wrote up a wonderful article about us, and put us in both Ride! and Western Times. The early media attention really helped to raise awareness to our rescue efforts. You can click here to read the E-news which highlighted the original stories. We are certainly looking forward to this story too!

This cool little pigeon has apparently moved to the rescue. He was hopping around eating grain that fell from the horses. What a sweet little guy! We would like to name him, feel free to send us your name suggestions, if we get enough we'll put it up for a vote.

Dottie has done some strange things to get some attention, like rolling in the mud to get a grooming, etc. While the Ride magazine people were here she decided she was not getting enough attention. So, she flopped out on the ground and played dead. Sure enough, Jason just had to go see what was going on. She has a lot of tricks up her hooves for getting attention, but now we are wise to another one.

Upon closer examination her eyelids were flickering, she was breathing fine, so just maybe she was simply enjoying a sun bath. Jason walked away and soon she was up, looking dejected. Another trick that didn't work. Yes we do pay Dottie a lot of attention, she is just the jealous type. One time Dottie was sleeping and scared Tawnee that she was dead. Now we know she is just a little con artist that plays dead for attention.

Ron headed down to see Comet and Paaso who are being foster to adopt by Linda. As we expected she fell in love with both of them and couldn't bare the thought of living without them. She signed the adoption papers and now she has 2 forever family members.

Ron came back to the rescue, loaded up Just a City Guy, who was being adopted as well, and headed out.

He loaded some panels up on the trailer. We got an email recently from a guy who's sister had been thrown in jail, and her two horses were left without food. He gave us the combo to the gate and asked us to pick them up. We had to get paperwork signed so everything would be in order so we could pick them up legally. After Ron delivered Just a City Guy to his home he headed out to pick up the other horses and is still not back. His adventure will be described in tomorrow's blog as it's not over yet.

We all know how much you love Lippy Conner. Yesterday when James was out as part of the Post Auction Assessment Team, Lippy insisted that he get his feet trimmed. You can see it below. You can also click here to open it in a new window.

Tawnee worked diligently getting computer web work done. She gave some insider notes on getting a great website going to another horse rescue and got the horses on our available page, including all of the available horses from the last auction. That may be a record quick time, thanks to the PAAT's! We are still evaluating them and they are still in quarantine, but at least there is a little informaion and pictures. We will get more up as it becomes available.

1 comment:

allrideethen said...

I am getting mighty attached to Lippy Connor.... LC and miss dead-pan Dottie--not to mention the new pigeon--, and then Macho Man....GOSH NORCAL, I'm going to be really sad if any of these critters stop appearing in your daily posts! Something tells me that if ol' non-stop lippy Lippy Connor becomes adopted, he won't be nearly as funny.... :)
