Thursday, March 19, 2009


Wow, just WOW! The 4 stall barn fundraiser has been completed! We would like to thank each and every one of you that made it possible. It will be ordered shortly, put up as soon as possible, and be providing wonderful housing for horses in need.

Just about the time Jason finished teaching Claire how to access the email through the web based browser instead of how we normally do email, it started working again. We are so thankful that it is back up and working again.

Kari and her son came out this morning to help out where she could. She got the stalls cleaned...
..and then helped Tawnee out with her seemingly never ending fencing. Dottie and Macho Man no longer believe us that they have a new home being built. The little helpers pitched in and did what they could to help.

Jason did something very odd and mysterious. He drove up to where the stock trailer is parked and took 2 tires off and loaded them with the spare into the truck and drove away.

Well, it's not too mysterious, Tina donated a 35' horse trailer, and Jason went over with Larry to pick it up. Two of the tires were flat so that is why Jason took the stock trailer tires.

Larry got to work loosening lug nuts that very well may not had been loosened for 20 years.

Jason and Larry took turns on the lug wrench.

Then, once the tires were replaced, they were off. It sure was an amazing sight seeing that big of a trailer behind the truck

Back at the rescue Claire and Ron were showing horses to potential adopters. Wisp is seen below showing off to the potential adopters.

Ron had just gotten back from picking up some donated bags of feed from Walmart. April and Tawnee had loaded up the atv to drive it over to the Tack room. Of course the phone had to ring, so they waited in the sweltering heat (70 F.) while Tawnee talked on the phone. Toughen up Tawnee, it's going to get a lot hotter this summer!

Wisp's potential adopters really fell in love with him and they placed him in hold. They are excitedly waiting for their application to be processed.

About this time Jason and Larry pulled in with the great big "Old Yeller" trailer. Look how close the trailer nose is to the back window on the truck...

2 seconds after the photo was taken the trailer smashed into the window shattering it. Jason was trying to turn sharp enough to avoid hitting stuff and managed to ruin the window instead.


The trailer is a great big living quarter, walk in tack room, 5 horse trailer. Seen below is the walk in tack room.

It has a kitchen, and just needs a little fixing up.

Ok, a little fixing up means gutting it and starting over, but we do believe that in the end it will be a very nice trailer indeed. We are hoping to have it fixed up to where visitors can spend an overnight at the rescue if needed. It comes equipped with a shower and bathroom! Jason doesn't want to pull this trailer anywhere again. It's probably here forever?

Jason continued picking broken pieces of glass from the truck and throwing them in the trash.

And then, it was time to get an E-news sent out. If you did not get one, click here to read it.

Just a reminder, don't forget to read our weekend story tomorrow evening!

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