Sunday, August 23, 2009


Dottie's still learning to load into the van. She really wants a wider ramp, hopefully one of these days we can oblige her. She did get into the van and her and Macho Man rode down to the Fair today.

On the way to the Fair Tawnee once again made phone calls and answered phone message. There's still about 25 unanswered phone messages, so if you're trying to get in touch, please bare with us! The next couple weeks are going to be crazy!

In between breaks, Macho Man was loved on by hundreds and hundreds of people. He really couldn't walk anywhere without throngs of people surrounding him.

Macho Man found someone that was wearing shoes just like his! Isn't that just adorable?
North Valley Public Radio came along and interviewed Jason. Hopefully we can find the broadcast on their website eventually.

During the day Dottie put on the shirt and tried her hand at selling buttons. Sad to say, Macho Man has the winning smile and Dottie didn't sell buttons as well. She was a good girl and enjoyed meeting people.

Macho Man took quite a number of breaks in the stall today. He has a gentle way of letting us know when he is tired of being loved on by strangers, but after a good break he is always ready for more love.

Tawnee took a break from the booth to watch some amazing horsemanship displays. The little horse gymnastics were amazing! Little kids flinging themselves onto galloping horses with ease.

As evening wore on Macho was still bravely doing his best to sell buttons. After the sun went down however, the crowds seemed to disappear to somewhere else. The decision was made to pack up for the night.

Macho Man and Dottie headed out to the waiting van for the trip back to the rescue.

Soon they were in the van and ready to go home and get some sleep. Just over 300 buttons were sold today, bringing the total buttons sold at the fair to 450.

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