Our first update this blog is on the euthanasia clinic. It is currently at $260, out of a goal of $2,500. Please help out how you can!

This morning Linda was out to help evaluate the horses. She did a good job and we are very thankful that she is able to help us out.

A new horse also came in today with the name of Indie. He is a
Saddlebred / Arabian we are told. He is said to be trained to ride. We will be evaluating him soon, he sure is a beautiful boy.

We had an
emergency that required a vet visit. One of the little yearlings somehow managed to cut her face right above her nose.

Poor girl, she just went through the auction, got to the rescue and now she is off to the vet. She was a good girl and loaded right up into the trailer without too much fuss.

Soon she was in la-la land under heavy sedation at the vet office. She couldn't care less about anything.

It took a little while getting her ready for
stitches. The wound had to be cleaned and prepped for stitching.

Back at the rescue April and Linda were still evaluating horses. This old guy, Mr Bones, certainly enjoyed getting some love. He was rescued at the last auction.

In addition to evaluating a lot of other horses, Linda rode Travis for
exercise. He sure is a beautiful boy and is available for adoption. Linda is a wonderful help. She plans on being out here twice a week to help work with and exercise the horses. We are so excited to have her as part of the rescue team.

Still at the vet, the poor girl was all stitched up and was getting ready to head back to the rescue.

All in all she had around 10 larger stitches and 25 small stitches. But she's all patched up and she should heal up just fine. In about 3 weeks the stitches should be coming out and she'll be as good as new. We examined her pen carefully and we cannot figure out how she managed to do this to herself. We're glad she was able to be given the vet care she needed.

Tuck was able to come to the rescue today. He has been at the vet since last euthanasia clinic, and now his open wound above his hoof is completely closed up and he should be fine. He will be on antibiotics for awhile, but the worst of it is over.
Tawnee, Tuck and the poor filly arrived safely at the rescue and began unloading.

The little filly was more than glad to be back at the rescue. She was very happy to get back to be with her sister once again.

Last Friday we had a dozen feed bins donated to the rescue and delivered. What a wonderful addition!

Today they were all spread out through the pens, ready for hay to be thrown into them.

Many thanks to Jean S. and Jeanette C. for their generous donations since last blog. You can see your name here, just
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