We have all heard of the beautiful palomino stallion living wild and free in the mountains of Montana named Cloud. His life as he knows it is changing fast, and not for the better. The government is rounding up most of the herd, click here or click the video below to learn more.
Please do what you can to help! "Secretary Salazar and the BLM aren't listening to the public, nor are the Montana Senators. Cloud's herd represents all wild horses in the West and if we can't save this most famous herd, what chances do we have with the rest? Please continue to call and fax your congressionals, President Obama (202-456-9000), and all media outlets you can."
Jason and Macho Man once again went down to the fair. Macho Man got all dressed up and ready to sell buttons.
A loving fan of Macho gave him an ice cream cone, which he really enjoyed. He only gets a few human treats, but he sure loved that one!
It was a long day, but in the end Macho Man got 87 buttons sold. He is really enjoying going to the fair, on his days off he stands there wondering why we are not loading him into the van for the trip.
There is an update on Tawnee's arm. The Doctor reports that he did not see anything wrong with Tawnee'sxray, but she doesn't believe him. Her wrist is discolored and still has a nasty pain. The good thing about her being laid up, is she has started writing the Euthanasia Clinic manual one handed. If her arm hadn't of gotten hurt, she no doubt would be out there running around doing all kinds of things, so this way she is forced to get the manual done.
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