Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We would like to bring your attention to a very special donor that stepped forward with an extremely generous donation during the well fund raising. Stephanie donated $820 in honor of her friend Rebecca B., who took the time and effort to place her horse, Ricky, in a forever home, acting as an example of what responsible horse ownership is. This picture is of Rebecca saying good-bye to her Ricky.

This morning Regent was loaded up into the trailer for the long trip to his new home. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew it was going to be somewhere safe. Jason and Larry were making the trip with Regent today.

At Regent's home, two horses were being surrendered. Dakota and Cheyenne were not fitting in with the herd and needed to come into the rescue to find a new home. Dakota was good and let Larry catch him right away, but Cheyenne had quite a different opinion. They had recently got these horses, hoping they would fit in with their other adopted beloved horses, but these horses started beating up on their other horses and they called us to see if we could take them and find them a better match.

Finally Cheyenne and Dakota were haltered and were being led to the trailer. Regent looked on with wonder, no doubt wondering why he would never be able to spend time with them. The other horses they have adopted from us are doing absolutely wonderful and we know Regent will do good too!

Cheyenne and Dakota looked on as the many miles were traveled back to the rescue. Some rain, mostly sun, on and on they traveled.

Back at the new facility the sun was shining brightly. Cheyenne and Dakota were so happy to get out of the trailer and into a waiting pen.

The new facility is so beautiful and is getting set up so nicely thanks to the hours and hours of hard work the staff and volunteers are putting in. It still has thousands of hours and thousands of dollars left to go, but for now we are so thankful that the rescue has accumulated so many panels over the years.

Cheyenne and Dakota are so beautiful. They will be evaluated for their adoptability and training level soon.

Many thanks to Gail G. for her generous donation today!

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