Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We are almost in the top 50, currently 64th, for all of the Unites States in the voting contest that is going on! That is really great, please keep voting every day! Click here, select "NorCal Equine Rescue" in Oroville, CA and press vote. Make sure the C in NorCal is capitalized. The system is being updated, so hopefully soon it switches over to Horse Plus Humane Society, but for now, keep entering NorCal Equine Rescue. Click here.

Jason, Larry and Colby headed out to get hay. We have been having it delivered, but a great deal popped up on Craigslist, and it's only 4 miles from the rescue! $6 a bale for grassy alfalfa, can't really beat that price. First Jason hopped up on the hay pile and threw the hay down for Colby to load.

Colby worked extremely energetically loading the hay.

One by one the bales went into the trailer.

But, eventually his stacking muscles got fatigued so Jason and Colby switched spots. It is so much easier to throw the hay down then to load it.

Finally both trailers were loaded, 108 bales of hay. This load of hay cost $708, saving over $200 from having it delivered, and will last about a week. Please help pay for this load of hay, click here, Even $6 to buy a bale of hay helps a lot!

Back at the rescue, the girls volunteered to unload the hay. They got right to work and soon the trailer was unloaded. Hay prices have dropped so much, $6 for nice heavy bales of hay. A couple years ago you couldn't touch hay like this for less than $12 a bale. Hay prices are no longer an excuse for starving your horse.

While the volunteers where hard at work, the horses were taking it easy. This funny horse believes that it's good to drink and eat at the same time. How cute!

We had 3 surrenders come in, two of which are seen below, one of which was camera shy somehow and should be in the next blog. This is another horse that came into the euthanasia clinic. It seems that horses just keep coming in, it is definitely the busiest clinic we have had in a very long time. Thank you for making it possible, enabling us to help horses in desperate need.

This poor guy has been in unmanageable pain for quite awhile. He has body sores from laying down, trying to relieve his pain, ultimately making more pain.

He was bit by a snake, which got into the tendon sheeth, and with a lot of other complications, it refuses to heal. It causes him continuous excruciating pain.

We also had a henny surrendered. He is a wildy little critter that is not halter trained. He is about 9 years old. He was too much for his previous owner, who called up pleading for us to take him. They were extremely grateful that we were available.

Our flock of chickens keeps getting smaller as we find them homes. We are getting less and less hens and more and more roosters. Everyone seems to want to have hens. One thing for sure, the horses will know when it's morning at the rescue!

Today's eBay Giving Works item is two sets of "raised braid" English reigns in excellent condition. They are only $8.99 and 25% of the sale price goes to help the horses! Click here.

Many thanks to Faryn K. and Gail G. for their generous donations!

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