Here is the email:
"Seems if you excel at this sport (or abuse), you can set up your own blog about being the "champion donkey roper." Abuse a donkey in the fastest time and you're a champion. See the two short videos also.
Check out the blog and post your comments folks! I've left mine, but likely they will be removed soon........
Please forward this email to all concerned people who care about donkeys. Let's make our statement loud and clear to this "cowboy" that his sport is abusive and disgusting.
Thank you.
Here is the Randon blog entry:
Crystal said...Absolutely pathetic! What a big man who can rope a defenseless equine! Ruins the donkey for the rest of it's life, it's totally unable to be rehabilitated once (wannabe) cowboys have roped, electric-prodded and damaged the donkeys. SHAME ON YOU! Pathetic donkey ropers should be banned from all equine ownership and sports.
It is so sad that some people think that abusing a poor helpless animal is "very entertaining!" How sad.
Crystal asked "post your comments folks!" Lets let this guy know that this is not OK! He may just remove the comments, but it will make him think. Be the voice for these poor donkeys.